Finally! the sun is out after three days of rain! Rain can be depressing so bring on the sun!...Don't have plans for the day pulling for a beach day. (surprise!)
The last few days have been about prawn pizza ( its prawn for shrimp not cron, I was way off), euchre and rummi with the canadians and our french friend, failed attempts at catching the bus to the zoo and cookin on the barbie.
Tomorrow we have plans to go on a Hinterland tour. Three spots: Kondalilla Falls ( self-explanatory), Maleny ( a tourist town), and Mary Cairncross Park ( giant fig tree rainforest with a view of the glasshouse mountains!)
We saw a warmup for an iron man competition yesterday at Mooloolaba beach. Runner's, kneeboard surfers, and surf kayaks. Tons of them---all convienently in shape and sporting speedos...gotta love aussie land... ⚓
Anywho--off to see what's up!
**Sounds like a great day. Looks like a beautiful country. No wonder everyone loves it over there!! This is gonna be one amazing trip for you girlfriend.....:) Enjoy. <3 <3 MOM