Sometimes I don't think this place is real. Haha. It was just so pretty and perfect this morning! Blue blue sparkly ocean, surfers everywhere, coffee shops all open for brekky, big palm trees, wild turkeys (haha), runners, warm sun. And as a bonus to all that bonus I got a new CD for FREE today :) Josh Garrels. Look it up, he is the definition of relaxing.
I did my best to pound all that dry history of aussie film crap into my mind...we shall see if it sticks.
Other events of the day included a walk to Wooly's for cheap TimTams and a night of throwing away junk I don't need. There's a sale tomorrow at our apartment complex--hopefully I can get rid of some stuff!
Off to ONEconference this weekend at Suncoast church. I'm pretty excited to learn some more good stuff before I head back to a really busy life! Must soak up these last few days of relaxation, although they're getting busier and busier it seems!
Well I'm off! Look Jon Foreman posted another article! YES.
delicious burger..and random leg |
"By His wounds you are healed. Once you were like sheep who wandered away, but now you have turned to your Sheperd, the Guardian of your souls." -1 Peter 2: 24-25
"Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your Godly lives will speak to them without any words." 1 Peter 3: 1
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