Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Soul Surfer

Hands down, new favorite movie :) Everyone go see Soul Surfer. Yes, some of the graphics are bad, and Carrie Underwood should stick to singing--however, the story trumps all of that! It was definitely an inspiration. It's incredible how God has used her life. She's one tough chick. Lots of good stuff in that surfing flick---I feel like I should never go to Hawaii--I fear that I would never ever--not in a million years-- leave. (well in a million years I'd be dead--so thats a bit inaccurate)

Took a nice little bike ride this morning to Wooly's. Sat in a little park to write my letter to Gma Nancy :) I also had my first meat pie from the local Brumby's bakery--cheese, beef, and bacon. SO healthy right? The lady said it was the most popular, what was I supposed to do? =P It was de--to the--licious yo! But I'm okay if I never have another. After watching Soul Surfer, all I want to do eat is fruit and do my workouts on the beach. I wish I would always feel that way!

To make this day even better--I drank my free coffee today :) Bonus mon! I also found a double stacked all chocolate Kit-Kat bar....so much for that fruit eating thing--

Other than that---tomorrow is my last day of class! Woop woop! One more politics lecture--I can do it! Volleyball will come after class--so that can be my motivation :)

Oh, and its the last day of May--how did this happen? See yall in a month! wahooooo---prepare yourselves.

"Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that He may come and shower righteousness upon you."
--Hosea 10:12

meat pie--okay so it looks nasty, but it most certainly was not!

the little park :)
Goodnight for me, G'day to you! Heaps of love!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Two Down!

Two classes down--one to go! Done with history of film, done with photography. Bring on the finals!

Today after class--mel, ann, and I headed to the little town of Buderim. It's such a cute little place! I decided that I loveee book shops! They had a couple really cool ones. The point of going to Buderim was to visit our friend, Kat, at work. So we started walking---we walked a LONG ways, and were only half way there. Due to the impending darkness--we had to cut our journey short and head back to the Uni. We'll have to try it again another time :) I was glad to have the chance to walk the route that I usually take the bus through. It gave me the chance to take some pictures of the view. ALSO the Buderim Wooly's had six cinnamon doughnuts on sale in a pack for the low price of 1 dollar! Bonussss! Dey good.

Connect group was tonight too. I'll miss my little Monday night small group! It was especially good tonight after Pastor Lucas's message last night. Everyone had stuff on the mind.

Just got back from finishing the night off with a hot chocolate sipping/doughnut eating/movie night. We watched Shakespeare in love....free from the library! schweet.

Heaps and heaps of fun stuff tonight. This whole week is going to be grand! Tomorrow I'm off to see Soul Surfer (cant. wait.), Wednesday is volleyball and Eden night (young adults church service), Thursday (not sure yet), and Friday I get to go to a horse race in Caloundra! Apparently its a big event for us Uni students. Everyone gets dressed up and heads to the races! Hats, heals, and dresses. Hilarious. I can't wait. I hope Richard Gere is there with Vivian.

I even get some free coffee this week. =D

Alrighty---off to enjoy the happy honeydews of slumber! Peace.

it's hard to capture the view in a picture...

So jungle--ee....mt. coolum in the background!

The coolest jungle-view house I've ever seen..

"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." -Colossians 2: 2-3

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men..." -Colossians 3: 23

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Eventful day!

Morning hike on Mt. Coolum...round two for that mountain. Such a beautiful view!

Unfortunately, we then came back to the Uni instead of exploring. It ended up being nice though---I went for a long bike ride/workout and read on my sunny balcony until church tonight. Sometimes I can't believe the stuff I get to do in a day here---and I also can't believe how lovely winter can be in places that aren't Michigan. I had another "this would suck in the winter" thought while driving up an extremely steep hill, and again remembered...Aussies on the Sunny Coast don't know about snow and steep hills being a bad mix.

Church was great as usual. Pastor Lucas spoke again-- about "God dreams"--the seeds God gives us and our responsibility to plant them--all that good stuff. He prayed that fear and doubt would be no longer--- it was all just real good. Everything has revolved around that theme while I've been here. Coincidence? I think not. :)

Just opened my last advair inhaler lol...I remember when I had 4! I have sort of been marking my time by them haha. Dude it's almost June! Holy Toledo Batman!

Wanna know what I just remembered? ITS THE LAST WEEK OF CLASS! Then theres study break! woohooooo. Bring it on finals---you will be conquered more easily than any finals I have ever taken. (hopefully!)

Well--what do ya know? It's almost midnight and I'm still typing away. Off I go. Nite!

we be hikin...

gotta love this view! I'll miss mt. coolum being so close!


Saturday, May 28, 2011


My blog wouldn't work yesterday sooo....I'll recap.

Im done with my photo project finally! wahoooo---just have to present it on Monday! Other than finishing that I took a lovely siesta by the pool and then went on a hike through the Mooloolah Forest. Let me tell you--it was practically a river--but for some reason we hiked through it anyway. Poor Nikes--they're soaked.

Today however was spent much differently. Having no assignments leaves me free to goof off. So naturally I headed to Mooloolaba and spent some hours at Emjays. It was lovely, I took my Bible and journal and read through Philippians. It may be a short chapter, but it is full of good stuff. I'm still not through it.

Let me paint a picture of my wonderful afternoon:
--I was sunk into a big cozy chair with an ocean view, watching sailboats.
--I was sipping on some chocolatey-deliciousness
--Palm trees swaying
--And I'm hanging out with God

Schweet Dawg.

So I'll share some highlights:
I can't not write this verse down when I read it:
"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death, for to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." -Phil 1: 20-21

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." -Phil 2: 3-4

---I like that because if you really think about it, if everyone cared for everybody else more than themselves, then there would be no need for selfishness because your needs would be cared for by others. If a blonde like me can have revelations like that, then there most certainly is a God who put them in my brain.

Then this verse just makes me read it over and over and over...

"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
         Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,..."


Okay moving on..

"...but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself --and became obedient to death-- even on a cross! Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." -Phil 2:5-11


"Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which goes beyond all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Phil 4:4-7

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." -Phil 4:13
k sorry this got really long---didn't mean to write the whole book down...I just couldnt stop once I started. I"m gonna go finish reading it, make dinner, then settle down for the evening and watch movies. For once I'm not blogging at 12am..feels nice.

ann and mel got sappy hands from this random plant..

ann the biologist showing us one of Australia's only carnivorous plants...
i almost fell---check out my skid yo!

The trail/River of Mooloolah Forest

oops ---forgot to rotate...move your head

this black swan was not very fond of us :)

stormy Mooloolaba today.
I just watched a video about the movie Soul Surfer---I realllllly need to see this movie...I was hesitant b/c I'd love to go surfing once more before I head home---and a shark attack story will probably freak me out for good. However, it's a must see.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shenanigans ☼

Today? What happened today? hmmm...

Ah yes. I slept in. I think I've finally caught up from when I stayed up till 3am last week. I must be getting old. Then, I skyped the morning away with the fam, and with the one and only Julie D!

It was after skyping that I realized the sun was out and the breeze was bearable (is that spelled right??). So naturally, I baked in the sun for awhile. When I needed a break from all that hard work, I got up and played some tennis. I managed to fit in some homework between all the goofing off I did today, and I took my first nap since I've been here--I was in desperate need for a 20 min power nap.

 I think it's safe to assume that my bike appreciated our long ride around the suburbs this evening, I have to sell the little guy soon. I even paid a visit to Wooly's tonight. The grand finale of my day consisted of watching some Grey's Anatomy...gotta love McSteamy!

And I almost forgot---I had left over Thai food for dinner. Num num num :)

I didn't realize it until now---but what a great day! It felt like it all happened in 5 minutes. Crazy.

Friday's goal is to fully complete my Photo project---hoorah

Night world!

meet me here...

we can have guacamole sandwiches for lunch. Sound good? Thought so.
"Freely you have received, freely give." -Matthew 10:8

"Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in it's mother's womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things" -Ecclesiastes 11:5

"Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and the Lord will strengthen your heart." -Psalm 27:14
"Whether you look to the left or to the right, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" - Isaiah 59:8

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Having only two days of classes per week makes me forget that I actually have classes. Unfortunately, I remembered before it was too late to accidentally skip. Sad. So I endured 3 hours of politics (ONE MORE WEEK!!) Then I played volleyball for 2 good hours. It was a lot of fun today! I'll miss the weekly volleyball people :)

Then I quickly went to the photo lab to edit my pics and zoomed to the plaza as fast as the bus could get me there. This forced me to choose 6 pictures under pressure--I am awful at deciding what pictures to put in my presentation. I got-r-done though! A great thing happened while I was there too! I got a voucher for a FREE coffee! FREE and AUSTRALIA? Ya, I know--nutz! Apparently it was because I waited too long for my drink...if that's the case, I will always be glad to wait extra minutes for my drink. Thank you Zarafas...you have moved into the top spot on my list of favorite coffee shops. (It tastes the best too).

Things went my way today--and I got back to my apartment just as my ride picked me up to go to lifegroup tonight. I finally got to go this week! It was nice to see all the girls from Suncoast again. We ordered Thai food for dinner, and talked over chocolate, tea, and YouTube videos. (The State of Origin Footy game was on in the background, but none of these girls cared about that).

For clarification: As I quickly discovered, "Footy" has several different meanings. Here's how you decipher them:

#1: If you happen to be in Queensland, it means Rugby. Queenslanders think AFL players are sissies
#2: If you're in Victoria or Melbourne--it means AFL--These southern Aussies think rugby players are sissies
#3: Sometimes it means soccer--? Freaks.

Footy---just sounds like footsy to me.

Now I'm home, it just became Thursday--I should sleep.

(I get a free coffee! Life=complete. hahaha)

"I wait for the Lord; my soul waits,
 and in His word I put my hope.
 My soul waits for the Lord
               more than watchmen wait for the morning,
                                     more than watchmen wait for the morning.
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption. He    Himself will redeem Israel from their sins." --Psalm 130: 5-8

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Paper chains and airplanes...

Today was weird. You know when you just feel restless sometimes, when there's too much on the brain?? I'm not sure how I can feel overwhelmed here, but I just did this morning. I had ambitiously planned to finish my photography project nice and early today. Plan failed. Luckily, I was able to skype with the fam and watch some baseball with them :) That helped. I tried to nap in the sun, but I couldn't even clear my mind that way (that is not normal). I think it was a mixture of:  "I'm a bit sick of being here" and "It's sunny and I can't go to the beach." hahaha...

anywho...later on I headed to the plaza to at least accomplish something for my project, and I got to thinking (which can be dangerous). First thoughts: I miss my car, I'm sick of pointless classes, and I miss Michigan (wah wah wah) :)

THEN the bus got to the hill that overlooks the ocean and the whole Sunny coast, and I remembered how much i loveeee bus rides to the beach/plaza. There so pretty! Mucho time to just chill and listen to my iPod. The town of Buderim that the bus passes through is so cute and hilly and tropical ( i should record it).

At this point, I decided that I have 38 days left to be a temporary local on the Sunny Coast, and they're not 38 days that should be spent being home sick. Nope nope nope. Just 38 days to chill, get to know God better, and enjoy! Once in a lifetime opportunity right here--gots ta live it up (which I believe I have). Home will come soon enough, and then I'll be wishing that Noosa was an hour bus ride away again :) Lesson learned. I think I've gotten so used to being here that.......I've gotten too used to being here! That makes sense in my mind, but maybe not yours :)

In other news: It was 5 dollar pizza night/ walk to Wooly's to grocery shop night. ( I wish I would have never tried these darn dark chocolate minty Tim-Tams. I keep breaking my: "one tim-tam a day" rule. It cant be helped, they're just too addicting. I think I'll just go with it. )

oh and btw! Photo project #1 = finished! Just one more to go! Politics lecture tomorrow, and maybe some volleyball----thats always a good thing. Tomorrow is also the State of Origin... a huge rivalry Rugby match between Queensland and New South Wales ( i think)---maybe I'll turn it on to help me go to sleep--because that's what rugby does. Puts one to sleep.

Speaking of sleep...time to catch some Zzz's

P.S. thanks a lot for stealing my sun northern hemisphere! Glad its finally feeling warmer back in da states!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Monday Monday

Well I was prepared for disappointment when I headed out to watch my man Jack Sparrow in his 4th movie, and sadly my disappointment was fulfilled. But I'm glad i saw it! Nothing will ever beat the first one....and Pirates is nothing without Orlando and Elizabeth...

Other than an exciting night out to the pictures--- I sort of went to class, and then worked on my photo project :) Looks like some sunny days coming up so I must get my work done so I can fully enjoy them!

Oh and even better....tomorrow is 5 dollar pizza day! score. Bring it on Tuesday! (It's SO nice not having classes on Tuesday!)

Over and Out people.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Finally got some sand volleyball in today! Twas fun! ( I had the winning spike of the game--just sayin :) ). It was a great relaxing day. Went for a long bike ride/ workout this morning---even rode to Wooly's and got a cold yummy drink. Then I decided that I shouldn't waste a sunny day, so I layed by the pool until volleyball. It was rough.

Church was tonight too. No Mooloolaba coffee afterwards though :( Everyone else had homework i guess?...ohh welll. I'll be SO grateful not having to depend on other people for rides when I get back---so I can do what I want again! It's the start of week 12 out of 13 for Uni tomorrow! Almost done! Bring it on Monday.

Nothing else to interesting. Hope all is sunny and lovely for yall ☼ Peace.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I, A.W. have finished the last paper of my Australian semester. Crossing that off my list is almost (emphasis on almost) as good as a beach day. It was for history of film, and I actually had to watch one of the movies I wrote about, sad. I tried so hard not to watch them. It was an awful movie too, Australians need to grasp the concept of comic relief! All this movie taught me was that life can really suck sometimes. It also taught me that I could NEVER be a social worker. The End.

I just remembered that this may actually be the LAST paper I have to write for any class that isn't science! No more general education classes! hallelujah! Can I get an Amen?!

All that's left on the agenda is my photography project and finals :) And since I just need to pass my classes, finals aren't a huge concern. ( Take note: for that statement will never come out of my mouth again as long as i live, what an easy semester!)

Good news! The world didnt end today like it was supposed to. I love that I can speak for the future :)

Church tomorrow :) only a few Sundays left---sad because I'll miss Calvary, happy because I miss my homies!

I close with the fact that Dark Chocolate Mint Tim-Tams are one of God's greatest gifts to mankind.

Live long and prosper people.

"As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly save me. Don't gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord alone will be my light." -Micah 7: 7-10 ( It's a Jon song too---I memorized this and i didn't even realize what I was doing!)

--I watched the Bucket List tonight--love that movie! Perfect combination of deep-ness and hilarious-ness!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Weekend on Wednesday :)

Just got back from a day and a half in Noosa :) Got there Wednesday night to go sing karaoke! I sang a Grease duet--pretty funny :)  I'll give you three clues, and then you can guess what we did all day.

1. It was sunny
2. We were by the ocean
3. It was warm

Yup...a beach day! Surprised? Didn't think so. =D We wanted to surf, but there was no hope! We did get a swim session---  the ocean is colder, but it still felt really nice. I'm going to miss the ocean being so close! However, its going to be nice not having to worry about bull sharks taking a bite out of you when I'm back in Grand Haven. I have to admit that I've gotten real used to the salty ocean taste---I'll miss that too. The rest of the night we spent shopping and walking around the Sunshine Plaza. Of course it included coffee....i'm weak.

It's getting crazy that I'm so accustomed to visiting all these beautiful beaches! I'm so blessed to have such nice places so near by! That I will miss heaps and heaps and heaps. But home is startin to sound pretty good I must say! i'm ready for a bon fire.

I cant wait to see the new pirates! Were going on Monday when its cheaper for students :D yippee! Gotta love Jack Sparrow!

I'm exhausted---staying up till 3am= no. good! I'm off to do some catching up. Later dudes!

New word: "Icy Pole"= Popsicle...silly Aussies

"Whether you look to the left or to the right, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" --Isaiah 59:8

Sunrise in Noosa---i could see it from where I was sleeping--lovely

Noosa Heads--- my fav

Got my reef pics from my throw away camera!

I watched this guy eat--it was mesmerizing haha

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Out of options----

Alright. Politics presentation: over and succesful! Volleyball has been played, lunch has been eaten, facebook has been fully explored, its rainy, and theres 3 hours left until Noosa...

This was my final attempt to procrastinate from my paper....I have no more options. (except maybe cleaning--but thats not any more appealing) Okay---off i go!

I hope I can go surfing thursday! I may be getting my photos back today from my underwater camera at the reef :D something else to look forward to! Hope yall have a good day!


Brain Dead

Today I had to make a huge sacrifice. It was sunny and beautiful, yet I spent 7.5 hours of self-inflicted torture at the library attempting to conquer my history of film paper. Topic: How has the representation of Indigenous Australian's changed over the last century in Australian film?  Was I successful? mmm...Yes and no. I'm not done, but I'm 1000 words from completion..over half done. Research takes a long dang time---and I've found that its real difficult to write a paper on movies you havent watched, and never intend on watching =D Thats my goal. Too bad this paper is 50% of my grade!

There was an upside to the day. Free sausage sizzle at my apartment complex :D Thank you Red Frogs people! Dats about it for me....

off to Noosa Heads tomorrow---may get to go for a surf on Thursday :)

Politics presentation tomorrow--wish. me. luck.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Juggling, tennis, and Megamind

Well after experiencing massive ADD throughout all my classes today, I ended the day with some tennis, juggling, connect group, and Megamind ( a reallly funny disney movie).

Guessss what! No class tomorrow---I am free from four hour lectures about racism in Australia! I can hear the hallelujah chorus! Except I will admit, I did actually learn in that class.

Weeell--not too much else. Since I did everything but write my paper---you can find me in the library tomorrow :) Must work hard so I can goof off this weekend..theres a light at the end of this assignment tunnel!

hmmm..I think that's all i have tonight

 Peace, love, and taco bell.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

1 Timothy 1:7

Walked to church this morning. Beautiful day!

Did a bit of studying before round two of church.

Church was awesome tonight--literally. I feel like I should share. Pastor Lucas preached on struggles. Not too crazy right? No, but it was encouraging to hear his testimony. This super confident funny dude used to be held back by insecurity. I think my heart was Jesus pounding before he even started to talk---maybe even when I walked into church. He gave 4 points-- Acknowledging your struggle being the first step--if ya dont admit it then you cant fix it. Then: dont let your struggle define you--allow only God to define you--you are "fearfully and wonderfully made". 3rd: Be vulnerable with the right people. Some people you confide in probably make you feel like its okay to let your "struggle" stay in your life b/c its "normal", but really you need to overcome it. This means you have to confide in people who challenge you and are going to tell you what's up! Then finally, bring your struggles to Jesus--whom we should be most vulnerable with.

SO to make a long story short---I ended up at the front b/c I really had no choice this time ( I usually am pretty good at talking myself out of the alter call)---but this time there was zero hesitation. Good thing b/c it was awesome. Of courseee my favorite worship song was being sung--Revelation song. I've never really had anyone pray over me before, mostly because I'm too proud most of the time, but it was nutz. I have not once spoken to this dude and he just prayed everything I would have. God was soooo speaking through him. All about my need to get over being intimidated so easily, how I have to be more bold, how God has something for me if I'll just be bold enough to step up to it. These are all things I've been praying about for ages....In conclusion: Whoa. God is good, and he loves you. Hope that helped like it helped me!

He also said to read Joshua 1 and 2 for awhile----so i shall.

"This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you...For God has not given you a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." -1 Timothy 1:7

"This is my command-- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Trip to a Wrecked Ship

Spent a great day at a new beach with a really unfortunate name. It has bits of a shipwreck pointing out of the sand, which looks pretty neat. Its called Dicky Beach. The sun was out and the waves were big :)

Even got some calamari and chips for lunch---oh. and of course ice cream was unavoidable after a 6 hour beach day ☼

There was a Bindi Irwin sighting--she was having a surf with a pal. poor girl just wanted to be left alone! She is a shorrrrr-tee.  I didn't meet her---I was just told that the surfer girl I saw was her.

What else? Just watched Pirates 3---cant wait to see the new one! Comes out on Thursday here. I also have plans to go do karaoke on Wednesday night at the Noosa Surf Club...pretty pumped to get my sing on! hahahha...

church tomorrow--were walking to morning service. Pretty sure our ride got a bit too tipsy tonite and cant make it now--typical. No worries--it shall be a lovely walk!

How on earth is it May 15th? I dont feel like I've been in real life!


freeeeezing cold water! But good fun!

me and mel made a sweet sand castle-- (i promiseeee I'm wearing bottoms)

this is me demolishing said castle---they made me wait until we left

The shipwreck---perty strange
 Life's Good--

Thursday, May 12, 2011

El Sol

Sunny day :) Stayed by the pool all day...took a walk to wooly's...then had a taco night with friends. Rough day :) off to bed for me! either a homework/coffee day or a pool day tomorrow---to be determined!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011



Long time no blog, except its not entirely my fault.I tried a couple days ago and blogger froze up.

Anywho--much has happened!

I posted pics from my day at Mt. Coolum. It was a beautiful beautiful day! We left really early to catch the bus ( it takes about an hour to get there by bus). The climb was really rocky and steep, but it only took about 20 minutes haha. So we took our time with pictures and things because the view was so pretty! You could see the whole Sunny Coast and beyond. A few people I met at church said there's another mountain that's a good hike. I think we'll do that over our week long  "study break" before finals.

We also hit up the beach after our hike (what else?)--the whole beach was ours, totally deserted except for a few walkers. It's definitely approaching winter here--I can lay out all day with no sunscreen and not get burnt. To make the day even better, we headed farther north to Noosa Heads beach for some gelato and shopping! We even caught the sunset---its my favorite beach by far I think. (they're all my favorite really)

There was a small amount of suffering to this day though. Tip for life: don't ever--EVER--buy $1-- 7 Eleven coffee. I sometimes feel a bit car sick on the buses here--but after that nasty coffee I felt horrible. I was  told I went pale for awhile. Luckily, when we got to the Plaza--KFC was open and very welcomed by our bus sick bellies. SO we got some popcorn chicken snack boxes and listened to the live music at the nearby coffee shop. We almost missed the last bus of the night because we were talking so much--thankfully we didn't. Pirates of the Carribean 2 was even on the telly when I got back---great day! (minus the 7 tums I took and stomach ache I had until 11am the next morning----worth it)

Now I've just been chillin and trying to get assignments done. The forecast actually says sunny for the next five days in a row! Hopefully I didn't just jinx it. So I guess that tells you what I'll be up to for the week--cant lose my ginger-tan b/f July!

Taco night tomorrow with a few friends--should be fun =D Missed lifegroup again tonite--i miss my car. oh well--I still had fun, and I finished a politcs paper. Major bonus.

Oh and best news of all: no more Tuesday classes for me! Wahoooodaloo! Heaps of free time comin my way...I officially love it here. I've been here for long enough that palm trees are still awesome--but becoming just normal scenery! And I don't ever check under my bed for snakes and geckos anymore--pat on the back.

I miss Grand Valley.

Okay Bye.

and i miss these peeps

and this crazy cat

and these people--but just a bit :) everyone else too really --and baseball.
 I should be working--nite!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Brekky for Dinner

Lovely morning walk to Wooly's this morning! I've been craving pancakes, so that's my food for the week. Pancakes and chips and salsa..lovely combo I think--ha. Not the healthiest of weeks, but no worries! I'm loving my new running trail :)

Class was beyond pointless today! But only one more week of this class, and then my Tuesdays are completely and utterly free! wahoo! There is supposed to be 3 days in a row of sunshine, so i think I can predict where this weekend is headed-Lots--correction: HEAPS of beach time!

I'm excited for tomorrow--I'll most likely play some volleyball after class and then head to Suncoast church in the evening for college night. Should be good :) It was last time! Sadly, I failed in my mission for Colbie's new CD. Apparently, a worldwide release date doesn't consider different time zones? So I'm thinking I'll be able to get it tomorrow/ or sometime this week. Good thing I called ahead!

Oh, and why doesn't this happen anymore? what if bad water in Africa, and other things, were solved like this:

"Elisha said, 'Bring me a new bowl with salt in it.' So they brought it to him. Then he went out to the spring that supplied the town with water and threw the salt into it. And he said, 'This is what the Lord says: I have purified this water, It will no longer cause death or infertility. And the water has remained pure ever since, just as Elisha said." -2 Kings 2 :20-22

I dont know, just thinking.

new aussie term: eski----you guess. --------what? cooler!? ding ding ding.... maybe thats something I just haven't heard before?

Off to sleep! Cheers!
"when the gidget goes Australian--she's goes Australian all the way!"
Goal for this week: eat a meat pie-- I hear they're pretty good, and very Australian--I think they look gross

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dude there's hope!

Giant waves the last couple days! I guess the bigger swells were a bit more south on the Gold Coast, but it was bigger than I'm used to seeing up here on the Sunny Coast! Didn't go surfing again yet, but maybe soon!

The past two days have been wonderfullll beach days! Sun was hot, and there was the kind of breeze where you dont sweat or feel that you're getting burnt. Luckily, I didnt get burnt, but i did get more tan! wahoo! you may not recognize me when I get back, I didnt realize the full tanning potential of my skin until now! haha. Okay, so im not THAT tan. Pretty good for a ginger though! I have to say that I'm missing the humid 90 degree days, but I won't complain about this Aussie winter weather! I also have been going to Alexandra Headlands beach instead of Mooloolaba. Why did I ever spend all that time on Mooloolaba, when I could have spent all my beach days watching the surfer dudes at Alex Heads? Why? They are EVERYwhere, and very fun to watch! Makes me so jealous---should have brought that board of mine! At least I know where to spend the rest of me beach days now :)

Other than that, 18-day Easter break over. I could really get used to 18 day semester breaks :) Only 5 more weeks of classes. It's bittersweet, I'd love for classes to be done with, but I don't want to rush my time here! So I'll just go with it. I only go to class 3 days a week anyway--too easy.

New colbie caillat cd out tomorrow! I'll be making a special trip to the plaza to snatch that up. Bout time colbie! I've been desperate for new tunes too--perfect timing.

Off to dreamland I think--I've been havin troubles gettin up early these days. Unlike the first month I was here, waking up at 5am no matter what. The sun sets at 5:30 now! so early!

proof of my snorkeling excursion--I remember finding it really hard to smile! haha

Alexandra Headlands--hard to capture the big waves in a picture

"Teach me Your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to Your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor You. With all my heart I will praise You, O Lord my God. I will give glory to Your name forever, for Your love for me is very great. You have rescued me from the depths of death."
-Psalm 86: 11-13

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
-2 Timothy 1:7