Sunday, May 15, 2011

1 Timothy 1:7

Walked to church this morning. Beautiful day!

Did a bit of studying before round two of church.

Church was awesome tonight--literally. I feel like I should share. Pastor Lucas preached on struggles. Not too crazy right? No, but it was encouraging to hear his testimony. This super confident funny dude used to be held back by insecurity. I think my heart was Jesus pounding before he even started to talk---maybe even when I walked into church. He gave 4 points-- Acknowledging your struggle being the first step--if ya dont admit it then you cant fix it. Then: dont let your struggle define you--allow only God to define you--you are "fearfully and wonderfully made". 3rd: Be vulnerable with the right people. Some people you confide in probably make you feel like its okay to let your "struggle" stay in your life b/c its "normal", but really you need to overcome it. This means you have to confide in people who challenge you and are going to tell you what's up! Then finally, bring your struggles to Jesus--whom we should be most vulnerable with.

SO to make a long story short---I ended up at the front b/c I really had no choice this time ( I usually am pretty good at talking myself out of the alter call)---but this time there was zero hesitation. Good thing b/c it was awesome. Of courseee my favorite worship song was being sung--Revelation song. I've never really had anyone pray over me before, mostly because I'm too proud most of the time, but it was nutz. I have not once spoken to this dude and he just prayed everything I would have. God was soooo speaking through him. All about my need to get over being intimidated so easily, how I have to be more bold, how God has something for me if I'll just be bold enough to step up to it. These are all things I've been praying about for ages....In conclusion: Whoa. God is good, and he loves you. Hope that helped like it helped me!

He also said to read Joshua 1 and 2 for awhile----so i shall.

"This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you...For God has not given you a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." -1 Timothy 1:7

"This is my command-- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9

1 comment:

  1. wow glad that you were so encouraged today by the pastor's message. God is always ready to meet us right where we are....even on the other side of the world in Australia right?? :) Awesome !!! Love you soooo much.

    We sang Revelation Song this morning too......
