Sunday, May 29, 2011


Eventful day!

Morning hike on Mt. Coolum...round two for that mountain. Such a beautiful view!

Unfortunately, we then came back to the Uni instead of exploring. It ended up being nice though---I went for a long bike ride/workout and read on my sunny balcony until church tonight. Sometimes I can't believe the stuff I get to do in a day here---and I also can't believe how lovely winter can be in places that aren't Michigan. I had another "this would suck in the winter" thought while driving up an extremely steep hill, and again remembered...Aussies on the Sunny Coast don't know about snow and steep hills being a bad mix.

Church was great as usual. Pastor Lucas spoke again-- about "God dreams"--the seeds God gives us and our responsibility to plant them--all that good stuff. He prayed that fear and doubt would be no longer--- it was all just real good. Everything has revolved around that theme while I've been here. Coincidence? I think not. :)

Just opened my last advair inhaler lol...I remember when I had 4! I have sort of been marking my time by them haha. Dude it's almost June! Holy Toledo Batman!

Wanna know what I just remembered? ITS THE LAST WEEK OF CLASS! Then theres study break! woohooooo. Bring it on finals---you will be conquered more easily than any finals I have ever taken. (hopefully!)

Well--what do ya know? It's almost midnight and I'm still typing away. Off I go. Nite!

we be hikin...

gotta love this view! I'll miss mt. coolum being so close!


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